Intersection of Hope: Building a Safer Future for Capital Heights

Intersection of Hope: Building a Safer Future for Capital Heights

In the summer of 2016, my pregnant wife and I found ourselves in a terrifying situation. While test driving a Subaru Outback, a car seemingly appeared out of nowhere and T-boned us. All airbags deployed, and the vehicles collided in a shower of glass and plastic. Miraculously, everyone, including our unborn baby, was unharmed. The next day, we learned that our insurance would cover the cost of the dealership’s car, sparing us financial strain just as we were about to welcome a new family member.

Shedding Light on Solar Energy Production

Shedding Light on Solar Energy Production

As solar power emerges as the fastest-growing energy source in Louisiana, it presents both opportunities and challenges for local communities. Because Louisiana has a variety of rural, suburban, and urban areas, it’s critical that local governments tailor their regulations and policies to meet the specific needs, goals, and preferences of their communities. Sustainable development does not happen accidentally – it requires thoughtful  planning in coordination with industry experts, local leaders, residents, and other stakeholders.

Blazing Summer: Adapting to Louisiana's New Climate Reality

Blazing Summer: Adapting to Louisiana's New Climate Reality

Louisiana is no stranger to the wrath of Mother Nature – hurricanes, flooding, and coastal erosion have long plagued our communities, leaving us to adapt and rebuild time and time again. However, this past summer, Louisiana faced an unexpected and unprecedented threat: wildfires, fueled by extreme heat, strong winds, a high-pressure heat dome, and one of the most severe droughts in our recorded history.

From Vision to Reality: How TigerCross Enhanced LSU's Pedestrian Experience

From Vision to Reality: How TigerCross Enhanced LSU's Pedestrian Experience

Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, unveiled its first Creative Crosswalk on Tower Drive last month, marking further progress toward a beautiful and pedestrian-centered campus. Having spent my last months as a student advocating and planning for LSU’s newest colorful street addition, I am immensely proud to see my vision for an even more walkable and vibrant campus come to life.

As part of my capstone class at the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication, my group was tasked with identifying an issue at LSU to spend our last semester trying to address or solve. Eager to share the knowledge I gained during my internship at the Center for Planning Excellence (my best and only claim to professional legitimacy at that point), I proposed we consider the benefits pedestrian-friendly infrastructure offers to students and the shortcomings of the existing crosswalks on campus.

Small City, Big Impact: Climate Action in Gonzales

Small City, Big Impact: Climate Action in Gonzales

The City of Gonzales recently became the second city in Louisiana to develop its own climate action plan. Gonzales is leading by example and has taken this step toward climate resilience with an even larger goal in mind: aligning their efforts with Louisiana’s Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40-50% by the year 2030, and to have net-zero emissions by 2050.

Coming Together to Inspire Action & Ignite Change

Coming Together to Inspire Action & Ignite Change

Events like the Summit show us that, even if change doesn’t happen all at once, it is still happening. Each time a street gets a new bike lane, we create an opportunity to lower emissions. Each time a new solar panel begins operations, a percentage of our energy portfolio gets cleaner. These little battles aren’t always gratifying, but they are the correct and necessary path to create a cleaner environment in years to come. The Smart Growth Summit brings us together to remind us of that, to reinvigorate our efforts, and to give us hope for the future.

How Nature is Taming Policy: A Watershed Approach to Flood Risk Management

How Nature is Taming Policy: A Watershed Approach to Flood Risk Management

Whether by inland rivers, stormwater, or coastal storm surge, Louisiana is facing increased risk from both the magnitude and frequency of flood events. Dubbed the Great Flood of 2016, Louisiana experienced two historic rain events that impacted 56 of Louisiana's 64 parishes and highlighted statewide vulnerabilities and exposed the lack of water and land management. More than 145,000 rental and owner-occupied homes across the state were flooded–an estimated $10 billion in damages. These historic flooding events exposed deficiencies in floodplain management approaches at all levels of government.