Joni Hammons, PLA

Planning and Design Associate

Joni Hammons is the Design and Implementation Manager at CPEX, where she leads a range of planning and policy initiatives. Joni’s work aims to make quality planning services accessible to communities across Louisiana and to address environmental, social, and economic challenges through interventions in the built environment. A focus on resilience planning and climate adaptation is woven throughout all of her work, and she has led the development of climate adaptation resources and decision support tools at the community and state scales.

Prior to joining CPEX, Joni gained experience in both the public and private sectors. She has previously held positions at Design Workshop, the National Park Service, and the Cultural Landscape Foundation.

Joni earned a Master of Landscape Architecture from Louisiana State University. She has held leadership positions within the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), serving as the inaugural Chair of the National Student Advisory Committee. She was the recipient of a National Honor Award from ASLA, the Dean’s Medal, and was selected as a University Olmsted Scholar. Joni also earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy from Louisiana State University.

Expertise: Landscape strategies, adaptation planning, plan implementation, cultural resources
